Our Services
Our Services
Business Consulting Experts
Philip Agri has a strong background in horticultural agronomy, supply chains, business management, domestic and international sales and marketing, for commercial and not for profit organisations.
Sales & Marketing Excellence
- Domestic and International Market Evaluation and Development
- Development of Category Management plans
- Development of Key Account Management Programs
- Developing and implementing domestic and international sales and marketing strategies
- Developing new product lines, genetics, packaging, sales and marketing strategies and monitoring outcomes
- Developing whole of supply chain management plan
- Market Intelligence Analysis
- Development and implementation of Public Relations and Promotional Programs
- Organising and leading Trade missions and the attendance of Trade shows
Realising Business Potential
- Agronomic Improvements and whole of supply chain solutions.
- Greenfield site development, including whole of farm business options.
- Developing agribusiness operations
- Production, Grading, packing, processing and storage
- Sales and marketing
- Human Resource management
- Development and implementation of all financial and operational divisions
- Design and development of processing and packing operations, including machinery evaluation and purchase
- Indigenous Development Programs – supporting the development of agricultural and horticultural initiatives focusing on local needs.
- Project Management
Growing International Trade
- Market Linkage Program including International Tradeshow and Market exposure events.
- Development of industry export strategies
- Project Management and planning for Market Access and Trade Development Programs for industry
- Export readiness and capacity building tools for industry
- Industry utilisation of FTA’s for protocol and non-protocol markets
- Export Market Intelligence analysis
- Traceability and product authenticity programs
- Organisation of International Trade show participation
Keeping Quality front-of-mind
- Supporting businesses to develop and maintain Quality Assurance systems.
- Working with and overseeing ISO 9002, HACCP, SQF, FreshCare, HARPS WQA, Global GAP and ISO22000:2005 programs.
- Working closely with Technical Managers within the supermarkets to develop specifications and implantation to commercial adoption.
- Developing systems to incorporate small farmers into Certified system (Global GAP, Fair Trade and Organic).
Our Process
We Handle It All
Initial Inquiry
Feugiat netus vitae dui, mi sed amet eu sem pharetra senectus id blandit dictum urna est morbi tempus, auctor sed egestas condimentum neque donec.
Nec ac enim purus arcu suspendisse tortor nunc bibendum justo nibh varius ipsum lorem in id diam faucibus posuere laoreet ultrices lacus nisi, cursus.
Vitae cursus libero, nec venenatis, semper sit morbi convallis ac, egestas turpis est ornare vitae arcu velit senectus est sed eget vitae lectus amet.
Feugiat netus vitae dui, mi sed amet eu sem pharetra senectus id blandit dictum urna est morbi tempus, auctor sed egestas condimentum neque donec.
Nec ac enim purus arcu suspendisse tortor nunc bibendum justo nibh varius ipsum lorem in id diam faucibus posuere laoreet ultrices lacus nisi, cursus.
Vitae cursus libero, nec venenatis, semper sit morbi convallis ac, egestas turpis est ornare vitae arcu velit senectus est sed eget vitae lectus amet.